
Sunday, January 4, 2015

Two travel flavored pubs in Bucharest

One of my first blog posts was about teahouses, those warm and cozy places where you can relax after a busy day, where the tea is always hot and fragrant and the cakes are beyond delicious and where even the books seem to have a little bit of magic. I wrote that article in a winter, it was the middle of February with snow and frizzing outside. While writing this new post it’s autumn (the original version, in Romania was written in autumn) and (for most us) the holiday is over, some of us are still dreaming of sea waves, winding streets, relax and ice cream, (me too, I must admit) and that’s the reason why I thought to suggest two places in Bucharest where you can go back to the holiday atmosphere, or (why not) in which to make plans for next season.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Romania (11) - Iarna la malul marii

Se spune (poate mai des decat e cazul) ca, asa cum iti incepi anul, asa va fi pana la final. Ei bine, am ales sa incep anul 2015 facand ceva atipic pentru sezonul rece; am petrecut Revelionul la mare. Poate ca, ceva altfel pe 1 ianuarie, va atrage dupa sine o serie intreaga de experiente frumoase si inedite in restul anului (keep my fingers crossed to that!) Dar nu despre petrecerea de final de an vreau sa va povestesc, ci despre cum e mare iarna.
Am pornit la drum cu inima cat un purice, intrucat cu numai 2 zile inainte autostrada A2 fusese inchisa din cauza viscolului si a ninsorii. Doua zile am stat cu ochii pe InfoTrafic si ANMH, pentru a ne aisugra ca vremea nu ne va schimba planurile.